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(27-01-2011, 22:26 )Ninja napisał(a): Zgodnie z podjętą przez moderatorów decyzją, tworzymy temat, w którym nie ma ograniczeń - nie istnieje tu pojęcie offtopicu...

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"rules" "pets" "tell" "Bringers of the Dawn" "visa" "miracles" "mark" "native Americans" "white" "entrapped" "thousand year period." "planet" "knowledge" "knowings" "miracles" "the hard way." "good no ritual" "slower." "with" "superior" "zapped" "Cassiopaea calling." "camp" "Shocker" "time" "caused" "alpha" "level" "suffering" "MUFON" "Majestic" "go" "taps" "ears." "aided" "threat." "Antichrist" "nobody." "hot bed" "travel" "curtain" "B" "poltergeist." "windows" "woman" "Hag." "opportunity knocks." "flap" "flop" "glitches" "time" "Heating up" "contract" "Illusion." "fun" "collective mind." "Gemini" "ritual" "time" "cloak" "sneaky' "spells" "The more the merrier." "jealousy factor" "doing your homework" "front line" "The One" "fight." "Lizzies" "neighborhood." "sides" "battle" "fighting fire with fire." "Bullshit!" "time" "Earth Changes" "may" "I don't get it." "California falls into the ocean" "warm." "left behind" "Bringers of the Dawn" "cc" "takes two to tango" "sensitive" "gargoyles" "all-knowing" "bush rattling." "should have" "crumbling" "spooked" "Time" "Mecca" "Henry Higgins," "Pomp and Circumstance" "Hope and Glory." "time" "fun" "Time" "branches" "wanderer" "awaken" "hearing" "crest" "crowded." "Cassiopaea" "boom boom." "Lizzieland." "God." "lose" "risk" "Network" "father" "up to speed." "discombobulated" "bedroom" "trendy" "conduit." "tall order." "influences," "Whippersnapper." "nuts." "genius." "one." "ghost at corner window" "Priority One Soul." "trouble." "belt" "tingle." "way" "stiff upper lip" "comfort zone" "Bringers of the Dawn" "do" "acceptance" "Two G's." "Orphanage." "orders." "resident." "Thump." "step by step process." "union." "draw on our energy." "effortless" "born" "time." "up" "awake" "years." "Time" "on" "see" "Lizzie" "eat." "The fallen Angel." "Brotherhood" "do" "letting go" "Millenium." "time." "when a human looks at a rodent, they notice that they are excessively furry." "comparing notes" "help" "God" "Everything," "desert." "antichrist" "losing" "close" "close" "agents" "breakthrough," "business" "deal." "future," "illumination" "forever." "boogie" "bleedthroughs" "bug" "Earthshaking" "let it flow." "Past, Present and Future." "see" "hear" "wild one" "food" "filet mignon." "visiting" "turncoat." "Time is ongoing." "breaking up" "bug" "alien" "stay tuned." "before?" "again" "try" "future" "individual" "Go with it!" "milestone" "contacted" "Que sera, sera!" "milestone," "The Cassiopaeans said this, the Cassiopaeans said that." "woe." "expunging" "Used to" "here and now!" "Link-up." "Ufologists" "Lost Traveller" "demonic" "hold back" "holocaust" "Jewish" "religions." "Buttonhole" "put your money where your mouth is," "past." "nerve." "spies." "Double verification." "meets the eye." "light." "Free will." "strange" "curtain breach." "wishful thinking" "Raise," "Cassiopaea." "Nordic." "small potatoes." "time." "higher levels" "led by the hand." "Gas planet." "chasing rainbows" "time." "teaching." "good night, Gracie." "brain cells," "hooked" "Karnak the Magnificent" "Man" "when" "When" "Hello" "opened" "tornado." "go under" "excuse" "of" "earth changes." "reflection," "rings a bell." "lost souls." "nearer" "arranged" "hieroglyphics" "thought plane" "cross" "flow." "get attached" "dealt with." "agent" "agent" "future" "symptoms," "online" "quotes." "higher" "time" "vacation." "slowly." "Take" "take" "go with the flow." "traffic" "freezes" "dig up" "plane." "Point" "refresher" "locked up" "push" "T" "slag." "good reading." "Puzzle pieces." "spa." "after seven," "refresher course" "touting" "significance" "window." "twin" "hangaround," "Different strokes for different folks." "code." "reload with current aural pattern." "where you are that matters, it is who and or what you are that counts." "good job" "flow" "dream your life away." "the whole picture." "preview" "unglued." "push" "perks" "to the four winds." "handles." "tunnel vision" "capitol" "shocker?" "symptoms?" "big time!" "root." "transiting from 4th to 3rd." "explosion" "hit upon" "centerstage" "other" "night!" "touch the borderline" "what does one do when one reaches fourth density reality with only third density training and experience?" "unified field theory." "filling in the blanks," "Can of Worms." "gravitons." "warmer." "our." "Foundation," "technology." "time." "gut feelings," "The Emperor is wearing new clothes." "colder." "halo." "rushing it" "chakras" "psychic" "can of worms." "chakra." "time" "fly" "if," "calling" "buy out." "disappear!" "truth," "broken." "take-over," "abreast." "a watched pot never boils!" "window faller." "run its course," "icky" "Is Cherie's level of development relative to others present, greater or lesser," "Strangers Among Us." "Walk-Ins." "Is it safe to have observers," "Networking," "torments" "Strobe" "UFOs" "rather interesting" "a little bit of knowledge is no knowledge at all." "took you to pieces," "abduction." "this is not correct" "that is not correct," "frozen" "zero time" "ships" "fracturing" "putting you out of commission" "Would you please explain Einstein's theory of relativity to me today." "What is synchronicity" "Back to itself." "Because we don't know. "Well, we don't know what happens because we have never been there!" "speed." "There is no such thing as time." "Oh, really? But I want to know what it is." "But I just told you there is no such thing. Time does not exist. It is not real in any form, in any frame of reference, in any form of reality, any level of density. It simply does not exist." "Oh, that's interesting. Now, again, what is this time?" "time" "clue." "Look" "personality type?" "UFO?" "craft" "nuts and bolts." "crash." "that!" "government?" "Frequency" "silver thread." "races" "Do some individuals of other races besides the Negro race have high levels of that hormone?" "I" "leave" "Did that rainbow spill onto the mountain?" "me" "Was one of these conflicting energies or thought centers me?" "pick on Laura night." "Spirit attachment," "significant" "important" "significant" "dire straits," "cosmic wheel?" "Mankato" "detrimental." "why would such a compound such as this be even remotely available to the average individual in your environment, when other compounds that are KNOWN to produce various chemical reactions that would be beneficial are NOT available. "getting the word out" "the Lord will provide." "Photon Belt," "alien?" "Grays," "aliens," "pecking order" "Home" "love," "vehicle" "get stuck in the mud" "Till the soil?" "channel!" "cult thought patterns." "heaven." Heaven" "Heavenworth!" "keep your mouth shut," "feeding." "means" "God Force" "down" "government" "Quorum," "Celtic," "Northern Peoples." "lifted" "kahoots?" "kahoots" "Batman" "Batman" "Prime Creator." "seen through a veil." "galaxy" "alien" "worlds" "satellites." "Orion" "god" "Lemuria," "planted," "Planted" "Native Americans." "truth" "forces of darkness," "breeding ground" "master race." "home," "advance party" "veil" "races" "Opal" "Zero time transfer." "Bahrain." "secret" "U.S. Navy is status 2" "Cooperation Agency" "brought under classified management." "classifications" "faked" "conduit." "A ton of bricks" "reprogrammed for service" "Matrix Material" "Robots" "hospital visit." "time" "leading" "Checking" "bases." "territory" "blip" "happening" "go." "time" "skipping" "Matrix," "Nordic" "shoot from the hip." "fact" "all intensive ooze" "unified entity realm," "solar return," "astal projection" "the silver cord" "in the works" "time" "rules" "live," "Trap" "crumbs" "call it in" "Panic," "a phone call away," "impression," "You can lead a horse to water..." "I want to be published, please help me get it done!!!" "circular file." "cut of the action." "fluid" "flow" "files." "secret" "X-Files" "to secede?" "snipes" "to heart," "mission." "special powers" "surreal," "planet." "wane" "station," "worker" "same" "Push buttons" "third party" "packages." "cause" "grooving into," "scientific" "physical" "You once had a more open mind, Michael, what happened?" "20 questions?" "phase" "Oh well, that's life" "blast." "leave no stone unturned!!" "automatic pilot" "kiddie gang." "shoes" "home" "Correctness" "frame" "You never know what there is to be learned when you inquire with innocence and freedom from supposition." "heat things up." "stuff." "self-styled" "Dead Dudes" "essence" "God," "course" "locator probe" "Ghosts" "blue thing" "Quan" "solidifies" "short circuiting what would ordinarily be utterly spectacular psychic and mental abilities. "interferences began." "ordinary" "bandaid" "fuel supply" "falling down on the job," "beat around the bush," "soon?" "ill advised." "time?" "moving on?" "firsts?" "everyone" "on" "be all and end all?" "Oh my, oh my, there is going to be three hours of a lot of big bangs, oh my!!" "research." "future!" "angels," "damn" "special service" "beige beret." "She" "Ann Landers," "choreograph" "time" "on your toes" "35" "give us a call!" "guys." "grill." "rotisserie" "walk in the door" "bounty?" "window fallers." "EM wave bursts along frequency border variation." "mechanics" "dimension" "torn," "work" "chupacabras" "dream you up." "figments" "God" "shaman," "hero," "blade runner?" "time" "adjusting." "time" "dead," "zero time?!" "hard" "stature or professionalism" "images," "getting your point across," "organized." "cool," "hand." "time" "Megatrends." "spare time," "explode." "Lizzies" "unwatched." "good idea?" "stuff like that!" "tuned in." "two way street." "net" "time" "personal data night?" "proof" "time" "long did it take you?" "millions of others?" "sound" "barrier" "situations" "ages" "higher mind" "bikers" "search for extra terrestrial intelligence," "subject" "searching," "point" "get lost," "schedule," "see" "voice," "sit back" "Buying your friendship." "canned" "people" "Outlaws," "Agent SV." "unaffected" "You will know not the day, nor the hour." "past" "man made" "realm border" "weak link," "cheat!" "desperate" "softie." "cut him loose" "superhypnotherapist." "Remember the Brockinton!" "step out of the way" "to." "foisted." "rest of the path." "portal." "army" "portals." "spinning one's wheels," "robots," "see" "muddying" the water," "uses." "environment" "underground race" "reeducation," "preparation committee." "law" "you," "fair" "has to be" "special, chosen, or protected." "trying" "chose" "memory" "give him a little bit." "bring up," "lyin'" "black hole," "leads," "drugs are bad," "nuts and bolts" "mother" "secret government." "fun!" "papers," "everything else" "Now" "out to lunch." "eccentricities...." "time" "Dreadful is subjective." "deadly illusion" "Queens of Satan," "feelings" "attack" "preaching," "this is what was given to me, it is up to you to decide for yourself whether or not you are comfortable with accepting it, or not." "cares" "cheerleading squad" "out to lunch." "Andalusian" "race" "Give to Caesar that which is Caesars." "everything in such darkness and gloom, etc." "dig" "bottom line" "Noah" "God." "The Great Equalizer!" "changes" "power" "spin" "timelessness," "Earth" "level playing field," "Alice through the looking glass." "conduit." "zero time" "Philadelphia Experiment." "Jarrah." "collector" "skip over" "marry" "stuff" "use" "mesh." "anti-balloon" "get it" "third grade," "link." "testing" "point blank" "road map?," "Greys" "Lizard" "Passion" "free," "leap," "buckets" "dominion" "the good," "importaltent!" "Feel" "Time" "blown away" "Level One" "answers" "mishmash." "twin sun" "jumping the gun." "dark" "Brown stars?" "brown" "brown" "brown." "come and go?" "End." "Noah" "atom?" "biorhythms." "it just ran out." "Ark," "No-No." "black" "White?" "discover" "stuff." "all" "miss," "loss" "Don't want to scare Grandma Sally Bible Thumper/Stockmarket Investor!" "set in it's ways," "angle" "Sell one's self, as if a commodity!! "Gainesville," "time." "fun" "Greenbaum" "go off" "malfunction," "time" "laps" "loaded." "Sent" "sideline." "sponge." "terminal," "cycles" "all the time." "practices," "dumps" "Antareans." "The Master Race" "Hypoglycemia" "buzz word," "do the book," "Internet," "have served their purpose well," "therapists" "one" "undertow" "Project Awaken." "Slant," "the concept, stupid." "Its the economy, stupid." "tunnels," "no tunnels" "hit home." "ought" "media scanning," "Enterprise Florida." "authority." "who she is," "the walls now have ears." "passing out." "hereafter." "time" "Go with the flow" "spread her self too thin." "steady as she goes." "thought center, spirit center and physical center," "initiation." "cloud" "Hooks" "Greenbaumed." "fifties." "spooking" "met" "Antareans" "patsy." "Greenbaum method" "control." "Greenbaumed," "acting up." "Antareans," "experimental" "the peanut gallery," "left," "leaves." "work" "fine tuning." "glitch," "fly off the handle." "bought and paid for." "007" "bounce" "homing" "see what they were made of" "read" "drone" "bounce" "agent provocateur." "of the third eye." "Aryan." "bi-density." "visit" "regenerate." "equal ease," "Martians" "had." "Stupid is as stupid does." "good guys" "government" "New Reality 101." "interwoven" "questor of hidden knowledge" "set aside." "dead end." "extra dimensions?" "selective," "variable." "dimension" "Selective" "crop circles," "trying," "room" "crack" "times." "fake" "missing link" "hit" "cloaking" "Electra" "cell" "Primeco." "Snake eyes" "prime rib?" "Primary." "picked" "Prime Directive?" "Prime time?" "closed" "looking for love" "punishment" "thief in the night." "world-wide" "point A and point B." "time?" "into what and what," "from what and to what." "shoes," "in tune," "time." "living" "dead." "state," "Warp" "move heaven and earth" "hide," "have" "every damn dime." "Apparitions" "source" "bunch of people are running around and buying silly rocks." "apparition," "label?" "week or so?" "I'm always stressed." "This too, shall pass." "steer clear" "bad" "see" "wish list," "step back," "Mom" "under" "find" "in" "through" "deep end." "Knee or gee." "Source" "true" "left field." "Third Dimensional" "atrophy." "aether" "states" "true" "history," "friends" "alternate universe." "grey" "you ARE in over your heads." "What do you mean by that?" "right" "left" "give it a rest." "later." "what's the update guys?" "settlement bin." "suspect" "foot the bill," "time" "home front," "blueprint." "shyness." "needed." "the signs." "open the wrong doors." "visitor." "secret government?" "head for the hills," "when" "4th" "Eternity" "concentrate" "Falls apart," "opens up!" "supernatural" "paranormal," "wicked" "Amusement" "no?" "borrowed." "union with the one." "tap" "feel" "747?" "future." "they are being bought to make sure that they are not not bought." "in for more" "typical" "time" "future," "they" "secret world government" "subterfuge." "get around." "tone" "euphoric" "zap" "agencies" "hit" "time." "predestined." "long walk," "opened a new door?" "look back," "unfold in front" "threshold" "door," "resources." "harvest." "nippy" "HAARP" "order on the surface of the planet" "time" "wider" "drift" "mutes" "through" "Zero" "unified" "transmission purposes." "stars." "Noah Syndrome" "black holes," "binder" "fuel," "life blood" "density" "discovery" "Jump, Jamp, Jimp." "lotto." "enhance" "window" "ground" "tapped," "a" "free" "conductor." "exciting" "tube," "hollow" "no," "you" "legitimate," "earthshaking," "element of." "spin" "Heaven's Gate." "leap" "at the door." "affected." "time tracked." "struggle," "challenge," "poisons" "still" "stops" "started." "The Nation of the Third Eye." "running" "power mad clique?" "Haste makes waste." "leap into it," "find my lawyer." "Stay tuned, fasten your seatbelts," "new information," "origin" "sickness unto death." "cold feet," "Drove home the reality." "Gaugin." "sect" "beech." "act against them," "acting against." "they." "They" "head it off," "quantum" "Hello." "travel." "ripple" "basic" "stuff" "union with the One." "Percy" "fit in." "filling up" "whole shooting match," "they" "future." "If you knew, you would die of shock." "Celts." "Celts, Druids," "Native Americans," "Divine guidance." "Celts" "trauma" "Celt" "brilliant." "smoke screen" "warmer." "monoatomic gold." "present" "date" "future." "absoluteness of non-being?" "rail" "railgun." "glue" "time," "state." "modern day" "3/5 principle" "Old makes new again." "time sequence?" "they?" "right and wrong." "track." "as a team," "hard" "think!" "never?" "think." "thinking otherwise." "not suitable." "nickel." "filter down?" "comes back around?" "Earth." "the moment?" "go crazy." "Roswell Incident." "punch." "strings" "whitewash." "Corona?" Ranier?" "at the door..." "enlightened," "illumened!!" "abel" "bugged" "hauntings." "singing the right tune." "time" "blockbuster" "Concern" "intrigue" "bugging" "rolling." "points" "knight," "keys?" "Key" "conscripted." "conscript." "Jack" "Cecil." "pick their brains" "Shoot." "bars" "flip/flop." "surgical approach," "Agents wear many hats!" "time" "time machine." "privately and quietly?" "the facts of life." "Laura, a great big rock is about to fall on your head," "okay, now moving right along, about the Emerald tablets..." "time" "out there" "blown out of proportion." "tree of life." "The Rosy Cross?" "so screwy." "convenient." "the dots." "destiny!" "nagging" "missing points," "If one has the will of a Lion, one does not have the fate of a mouse!" "I am become ONE... Creator of worlds." "look in the mirror." "mother of preparation," "look," "mushiness." "a bad way," "secure," "to initiate." "Eternal flame" "many beautiful and amazing things," "leaflets..." "hit the jackpot" "Atlantean" "underground." "picked on" "warmer." "Stalinized." "Stalinized" "L Plasmodic benten." "outgrow" "earth shaking" "historical records" "now." "faster," "ark," "comfortable." "final" "good and evil..." "reinforcements" "guides." "not nice," "time" "flap" "Lucid" "Bringers of the Dawn," "cave person" "core" "grapes of wrath," "the lock." "chuck" "lead you by the hand," "short-cut" "haste makes waste." "up to the minute." "payback." "pass the baton?" "puncture points." "ground" "wind." "strands" "El Nino" "Anna" "askew." "corruption and shenanigans" "something will happen," "feather in the cap?" "Usually threes" "bigger picture." "911" "screw up." "Brain Drain" "gain" "Faraplex" "computer nerd" "subjects" "times." "yet." "drawn," "drawing" "before we get to that." "heat up," "burners." "Safety" "drawn," "nice weather?" "play your cards right." "military" "negative forces." "past." "From whence cometh, is seen that which knows no limitation." "crazy" "sell oneself," "to the bottom" "torn." "time," "higher" "good influences," "bad influences," "time" "everything" "fast track," "battle" "awareness mode." "glitches." "chain of command." "general terms." "blanket coverage" "get away" "forgotten" "up to par!!" "daydreaming" "be on your toes" "senses," "on the level." "second nature." "warmer." "dogs." "is it safe," "when opportunity knocks." "side trips." "camera-ready." "sensitive," "instabilities." "Unified Field Theory." "time" "wears the pants." "of her discontent." "time" "track." "fit them in." "pest." "squeaky wheels?" "bull by the horns." "trailblazer." "tossing caution to the four winds" "us," "Frames of reference." "actor on the stage" "play" "Enterprise Florida." "graduation." "dreamstate," "wild goose chase." "go it alone" "stay on top" "slack off" "sweeter" "door-opener" "tracking." "recharging, my dear." "track." "by the hand." "time" "Zapper" "cycling" "Menopause" "mainstream" "establishment" "place" "click" "antibiotic" "time." "slide" "sliding" "chain?" "probabilities," "Laura, my dear, you can effectively crush those bastards if you follow the following steps..." "road well travelled." "picket fence." "did it work?" "bucking." "sheets of rain." "kelly" "execute" "execute." "prove" "day" "proof" "all possible opportunities." "time" "filling D***'s mind with mush." "next to nothing?" "Renaissance." "on the trail." "on the trail of..." "Casablanca" "handl" "fine line" "What are the geographic coordinates of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?" "time for you" "cranium is swollen" "big bang" "Light ache." "archives" "light" "ordinary?" "sphere" "time machine." "time" "going off" "ages" "save" "godsend!" "Gods of Eden." "killed" "Third Reich." "Orkin." "main danger" "net" "written in stone?" "key" "barbeque," "grill" "dates," "to the table" "Treasure" "spinster in waiting." "settled?" "quit" "profiles." "work" "sick?" "in." "mother star," "brown" "felt" "realm?" "plug in?" "melted" "front row seat," "goblins" "freak weather patterns." "heating up" "El Nino, La Nina," "Zetas" "flow." "scatter pattern," "wobble" "fire" "Crosshairs" "program." "Consortium," "Like" "destruction" "69." "where do I go from here?" "And why are all these things being pushed onto me?" "Russian" "jumping off." "blanket." "top three." "Alice likes to go through the looking glass" "increased" "let the cat out of the bag," "nation." "ahead!" "friends" "time to time" "the whole thing." "trial run," "Native Americans" "food for thought." "there." "veil remains unbroken." "colonists?" "deal with it," "bigger picture." "live?" "fair?" "good experiences are acceptable. "taught" "living in the doorway." "off-center" "pentagon" "Jesus Christ Superstar," "espionage." "space brothers." "code" "True" "Vajra Soul" "light in the loafers." "economic collapse" "stroking." "homework" "time" "plug" "Dark Ages. "Aryan" "put together." "Aliens?" "bedazzled" "information superhighway," "spill their guts" "shaky" "b." "S" "Experiment." "Project" "zero time," "Atkins" "Mississippi Mud" "bleedthrough." "dead end" "bounce effect." "insight." "fizzled" "El legato." "new" "discoveries" "gravity" "wave" "Whats" "Whens." "sleep" "recovery mode" "time." "The Dark Ages." "islands of survival," "foot." "purer." "body?" "loving being" "nothingness," "Everyday life" "departed" "seen" "is not your time yet." "departed," "left behind." "bending" "Noah Syndrome." "killing of one’s self slowly," "Giving" "gives" "Enlightened" "soulless." "space" "hard" "grain." "as," "What?!?" "thinking cap" "evolution." "see your reflection shine!" "problems" "bump it up" "clue" "time" "who" "new" "wrong" "twist" "want" "redtape." "fine tuning." "natural." "speckling" "Abandonment." "alright?" "shape" "electra complex" "loved" "slipping" "music to your ears." "time?" "thousand points of light," "food for thought" "job." "Hoodlums" "10" "floating factor." "time," "dimension" "dimension" "alien central." "popular" "objective," "units" "Quantum" "get off." "out there." "out there." "Knowings" "knowings!!!!!!!" "now" "skewred," "core." "high." "Ducherme." "Millennial" "know too much?" "quit messing around in Europe." "laugh" "psychic effects." "present time." "Biohazard" "Kindergarten, ??!?" "quiet chair." "Poles" "steer." "soul mates," "coworker." "a tender stage" "your plans," "plans" "Drachomonoids," "spring forth" "hole" ""wormhole" "breakdown." "wheat from the chaff." "pure." "people" "playboy channel" "do not move." "fame and fortune," "military intelligence network," "government" "Berkeley." "farm?" "bear." "Orlando." "1999" "children?" "objects?" "vacuum" "jump start" "dirty snowballs," "Millennium Group" "keep on" "nickel?" "tail" "get out?" "hold the mustard" "carried away," "deprogram," "body slam" "poppycock," "They" "schedule," "disaster," "schedule," "sit back and enjoy the show." "years." "broken up" "definitions" "proving" "matter" "half-life" "you take the high road, I'll take the low road, and I'll be in Scotland before ye." "meaning" "phantom" "Love and Light." "UFO community." "keepers of the castle,"  "Green" "plan." "monsters." "people" "floor number 4." "you know what hits the fan," "blown away" "dudes" "you could have this." "modern man" "jump in." "Look how much fun this is! Want to try it?!? Oops, sorry, we forgot to tell you, you cannot go back!" "feeling this oneness." "eats" "pitter patter of juvenile feet." "Kaahuna," "comment " "doomsday" "Just you wait, Henry Higgins, just you wait!!" "fruitloop." "on the way?" "lighten up." "35 years ago?" "back" "you is de bad guys." "group" "interesting." "land mark" "what does it mean?" "beneaths." "fan" "fanatic." "showman's" "illegally." "time," "glue which binds all aspects of reality, physical and ethereal. Nothing would exist without consciousness to perceive it. Classical physics assumes, among other things, that consciousness and "the brain"  "personal communication." "geometria? If one so desires. "god." "attitude." "play" "copyright?" "good trance channel" "godsparks?" "love connection." "hit." "g-force" "turf." "ordinary," "eddy." "perfect." "see" "see" "buffs." "training maneuver" "Military-Industrial Complex 101." "not anything more to it than that," "M-IC," "peacetime." "out there, " "over there." "Montaukee" "time" "Biblical sense." "opportunistic" "under the gun." "will not be drained, the attack will not succeed." "crapshoot." "rape." "desires," "imminent" "future" "crazy" "questionable" "government" "free" "free." "nervous breakdown," "on track," "something" "forces." "Heim." "companion star" "warming." "warm." "call." "Nefilim." "conquest." "name their price. "the American way." "fingers in the pie." "Star Trek" "Philadelphia Experiment" "critical mass" "chooses." "the dice." "gall." "winds," "Stone" "a higher source." "spinning," "stone" "centre." "bloom." "model." "Retire them." "signature" "just Russians." "punch" "apples and oranges" "you take the high road and I'll take the low road..." "RAAF recovers flying disk in Roswell region." "proof" "winds," "love and light" "Small cap" "time" "quest" "old days?" "cold feet." "get in" "tech" "biotech," "feel" "diamond in the rough," "bad guys." "Lizards." "stepped into" "year" "Zebulon." "Little Red Riding Hood." "bug" "B." "crash in the vicinity" "bloodline" "left" "doodoo" "soul unit" "trick"  "All in due time, my pretty, all in due time." "Alice through the looking glass." "alternate?" "up the ante" "negative" "master race" "trial run" "East New York" "bounce back" "here" "ball" "jump in" "too soon?" "scientists" "dimensional shutdown of vortex process." "but." "time portal opening." "let in." "anticipation" "time?" "time" "get it." "treated" "low yield" "dumping" "dumper," "dumpees."  "Time to move on." "company." "free spirit," "Coil failure." "motor" "larger." "Happens" "becomes." "get it" "downloading" "Turn the other cheek," "If you ignore it, it will go away." "Miles to go before you sleep." "in concert," "Walls of Jericho." "Ring." "playing" "events." "Goodnight Ladies," "lost" "retrieved" "thinking" "utilization?" "generates" "precedes" "appropriately tuned" "downloads" "alien" "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." "energy" "attack school" "tradition "worlds" "Frank" "Fall." "worlds" "notes." "Biblical Gloss." "organic" "failures." "souled" "growing" "units" "withdrawal" "food" "second death." "drain" "feminine" "Thou, I Love." "outbreath" "God" "produced in effect" "soul qualities" "sexual center" "seated" "magnetized." "External" "seating" "cross conceptualization" "another" "connectors" "food for the moon" "spectrum" "drone" "represent." "depths" "yes, the ancestors are also the future selves." "caution." "fondler." "realms" "laughter." "transduce" "strangeness." "hardware" "can it be true?" "history" "Jewish question." "impressions" "real." "human" "allowed" "Master." "attacks" "group" "help" "butterflies and hurricanes." "host" "good guys." "symbols" "concern" "projection?" "probe." "burn." "spot" "create" "no harm done." "abductees" "grays." "grays." "grow" "souls" "potentially fully souled, individual is likely to encounter and interact more with other souled humans. "holographic" "bi-density." "manufacture" "stumble" "nano?" "universe" "interpretation" "code." "control." "clustering." "past." "Future." "vital" "get" "psychic" "states." "being around" "earth bound" "remote view" "Illuminati" "see" "draw the "sword from the stone." "Bombs" "nuclear." "natural bombs." "pulses." "natural" "sculpted" "shaped" "deep cover" "Man behind the curtain." "direct hit." "reaction machine." "Produce" "bodyguard?" "Maverick" "felt" "wall outlet," "lifestyle" "brother" "false" "Moses" "contending with the angel" "Kore?" "Helen." "Dragon Slayers." "helped." "brainchild." "make a mark" "deep." "soft" "conspiracy" "urge." "cult." "Mass dreams of the future" "natural" " No dice!" "see" "power" "interesting" "without" "within" "evil" "evildoers" "homey" "horse's" "nature" "right time." "here" "scare" "rapture special." "buys" "reminder." "conductors" "shaped" "invert." "expressed." "responses." "die" "containers" "Osama special." "neocons" "plan." "enhancements." "in on it" "bearer of bad tidings." "plan." "hit," "local conduit." "practicing" "dissolve." "battle." "practice." "veil" "manipulated" "battles." "what you could get" "fit." "blood" "Abrahamic" "needed" "useful idiot." "attack." "spend." "payoff." "supervisors" "film" "unite" "What profiteth it for a man to own the world when he loses his soul?" "if you lock yourself in the old way, when the old way ends, it will take you with it into the pit." "program." "evil foods." "knowing" "next stop." "martial arts" "techniques" "in advance." "giving all" "magnetized." "essence" "market man" "Jesus" "good guys." "lady fair." "building the castle” "battle energy" "grail" "bower" "family" "own man" "M" "O" "repairs" "warning system." "come in" "in" "in residence." "neighbors" "clean." "princess in the tower" "the son" "thing" "spook" "nature" "divine stuff" "loves to be loved" "crime of opportunity" "other" "military families?" "Pyro" "center of the sphere" "things happen" "shape" "critters." "experiences." "secrets" "true religion?" "smashing" "out there" "yours." "Beamed" "Faraday cage" "righteous anger." "they" "exit" "post cataclysmic" "heaven" "Paleochristianity" "fall" "Christ" "short" "fall" "hell on earth" "work" "Rolfed" "pet" "Cheddar" "free time" "rehabilitated" "rehabilitate cows" "citizens." "you" "day" "time" "waves" "seed" "power breathing" "Diet Coke" "growth of knowledge" "real" "distractable" "conference center." "travel" "real" "Who did it?" "agents." "Prayer of the Soul." "voice" "to secede?" "snipes" "to heart," "mission." "the blood." "maze dance" "cleansing" "bridge" "field" "conduit" "travel" "blood" "connected" "dancers" "elite" "fizzled" "noise" "open" "elite" "triple bad day" "being" "souled" "Prayer of the Soul" "meet" "you in the future" "rewrite" "time" "time" "soul ability" "chatting" "out of Africa" "out of Asia" "circle people" "Drones." "works" "all" "others" "receivership capability" "widow's mite" "psychic" "any old psychic" "frequency" "traditions" "master." "masters" "elders" "ouija" "junk" "get it" "in the beginning..." "name" "fly" "light" "take the plunge" "bait" "others" "tracks" "karma" "taken out" "collateral damage." "rules" "general" "Get a handle on things!" "effect?" "interesting" "Spellbinders." "Catcher in the Rye." "getting smarter!" "evil" "mark of the beast." "lake of fire" "rise up with wings as eagles" "emotion" "failure" "Climategate" "5D city on a hill" "time" "Anglo-Saxon" "cryptogeographic" "Operators and Things" "homing device" "love bite" "trade" "fell for" "little" "Them" "hard wired" "movement" "womb" "penance" "Guest" "cutoff" "jerk" "devil" "handled" "Jesus story" "Andromeda" "warming" "opening up" "ground" "weigh" "His eye is on the sparrow." "revelations" "invasion" "hit" "X" "accidental" "alien" "big raindrops" "rocket launch" "rocket launch" "wild fed" "field" "receivership capacity" "toast" "new" "they" "cosmic" "spiritual" "unspiritual" "tends" "fanatical" "cared" "soul potential" "schizophrenics" "see" "fell" "eat" "plastic" "cozy home" "reruns" "stepped out" "opening up" "chemtrails" "out there" "over there." "the gods" "open up" "Greenbaum programming" "infuse" "relationship" "end" "treats" "time lock" "outside" "covered" "homework" "friends!" "new" "directed" "be prepared" "chalice like" "actors proponents" "actors scenario" "packed truths" "sheets of rain" "in charge" "wrong foundation" "neurons" "father" "cold" "wreckage" "okay" "advisors" "interpretors" "reality creating" "space" "born psychopath" "unzipping" "pure" "higher" "random" "set" "instant" "got around!" "mission" "part of the package." "works" "attacks" "needful things" "diagnose" "stuck" "parts" "family tribe" "talk them through" "appear" "without" "create within" "time" "homies" "get it" "we are you in the future" "tune in" "chat" "guests" "reset" "reset" "buying a bunch of toilet paper" "gesture" "land" "the writing exercises!" "Allies" "power" "sign." "alarm" "Day After Tomorrow" "time" "nature of things" "nature of things" "victim" "adamic" "preadamic" "Roman" "from or in Rome" "Roman" "emperors" "hears" "signature" "signature" "unity of purpose." "soul" "flow" "hit" "made up" "receivership capability," "homeopathic medicaments" "open up" "explosion" "awakening" "auto-spirit release" "remote viewing" "downloading" "a plan" "Frankenstein" "alchemy." "silent majority" "Tipping points" "pay the piper" "gods" "balance" "explaining away" "space invasion" "spirit entities" "time" "speak" "signs" "convention" "years" "arrangement" "patsy" "Jesus" "Doctors of the Law" "milk" "meal" "use" "fair weather" "left his true self behind" "fully engaged" "see you in the psychomantium soon!" "finds" "disinformation." "Jesus" "Jesus" "can't stand the truth." "gotten himself" "alternative" "caring professions" "collateral damage." "became all things to all people" "Acts" "Color Revolution" "NOW!" "handlers" "green children." "densities" "critters" "legend in his mind" "Wave" "go under" "Pomp and Circumstance" "weight" "time" "quick" "closer" "authorities" "warning" "PTB" "The Wave" "Frank" "channel." "repairs." "War games" "things" "happen" "experiment" "Walls have ears" "portal" "ordinary" "HQ" "levels" "veiled" "Dark Arts" "frozen" "Immortal Thing" "frozen status" "Talk" "The Great Work" "work on the self" "graduation" "quantum leap in awareness." "historical records" "now." "faster," "ark," "tinkering" "hand" "lighten up" "truth" "Hollow Earth" "stars" "natural nukes" "signature" "real" "practice run" "critters" "Great Work" "defense" "out there" "heroes" "alien" "travels" "secret" "recording" "away team" "world" "Strands" "symbolize" "Valley of the Shadow." "so inattentive" "essence" "see the unseen" "installation of the software" "interesting" "nefarious" "firewall" "hormone producing energy" "hit the mark" "quantum tunneling" "strings" "other" "dreams" "well connected" "connected" "characteropathy" "flaws" "past" "through" "green horn" "adjacent" "above" "below" "man behind the curtain." "drive" "sabotage" "fix" "American way" "reality blind" "try" "things" "Agents" "foods" "advanced assassination tech." "Podesta" "Art of the Deal." "no" "past life" "born" "liberal" "Tower of Babel." "Pied Piper" "family ties?" "true" "Queen Bee" "open up" "weather events" "insider" "business" "body" "thoughts" "structure" "out there" "opening up" "larger than life" "onto something" "reflections" "electricity" "lazy" "paradise" "normal" "idea" "rules" "life" "soul" "parts" "direction" "sowing" "normal life" "filters" "tuners" "thought" "physician" "flashes" "cleansing" "opening" "created" "deadly" "time" "celestial" "boiling" "cleansing" "good times" "freedom" "alien" "enjoy the show." "General Law" "Coral Castle" "friendly" "smashing" "evolution" "entropic" "drop dead" "aliens" "walk-ins" "abilities." "power" "Lord of War" "pandemic" "rocky" "program" "plugged in" "created" "pre-incarnational agreements" "relatively" "woke" "secret government" "amount" "stuff" "consciousness" "location" "die" "past life biographer" "sounds" "silver cord" "aliens" "monsters" "handlers" "evil" "human" "terrorization" "ship" "veil" "mental sex." "emotions." "terror attack" "PTB" "deep state" "Aliens"
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